Any comfortable athletic wear and grippy socks. If you don’t have grippy socks, they can be purchased at the studio.
45 minutes
We offer a Discovery session for beginners. Click here to learn more.
Yes you can sign up for a group or partner class and you will be paired with other clients….it’s a great way to meet new friends in the community.
With any form of exercise, consistency is key. In the beginning, your body is learning a lot of new information, and your mind/body connection is being established. The optimal recommendation is 2-3 times per week; however, once a week on a very regular basis can also be beneficial, providing you are doing some other exercise during the week.
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Principles of Pilates
"Above all, learn how to breathe correctly."
- Joseph Pilates
Joe Pilates based his work on three principles: Breath, whole-body health, and whole-body commitment, with the whole-body encompassing mind, body, and spirit.
It is in the honoring of the Pilates Principles that the depth of the work is achieved. These Principles are traditionally cited as:
Pilates aids in the rehabilitation of many specialized conditions, including:
Pregnancy, Sports Injuries, Spinal Conditions and Disc Issues, Hip & Knee Replacement, MS, Parkinson’s disease, RSI.
Based on an anatomical understanding of the body's muscular and skeletal systems, the Pilates Teacher creates a comprehensive exercise program specific to each client. This ensures that sessions are effective in helping clients meet their physical and rehabilitation goals. Pilates is low-impact, gentle, and effective, but it can also be a boot camp of high-intensity training. Whatever your style, Salty AF Pilates can bring it to you with grit and grace!